It's been awhile...

Hi there. It's been a really long time since I've been on this page. In 2019 my Mom was diagnosed with anal cancer. I closed up my studio and took full care of my Mom while still trying to hold down normal family life with my kids. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. 

We lost Mom this past April and though it's terribly sad I am forever grateful that I had the last year with her. Having this shop online as well as my Etsy store allows me the flexibility to have spent that very precious time with my Mom and family. My many thanks to everyone that supports small online and local businesses. Your purchase and support may help someone more than you can ever know! 

I am slowly getting back into the studio. Trying to get my creative mojo back!!! Covid and home virtual school have changed much of my day but I'm making fun time for art! 

Stay safe everyone! Please wear a mask. It may save someone's life ❤️






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